Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Today I got to season water in more than one way...

     Today was quite fun at work...I got to do one thing i love...and one thing I don't so much love; but know many of you will.  OK the not so much love first Shrimp Boil I know a lot of you love shrimp, I personally can't stand it cause for years I used it as bait for fishing.
     So today at work I got to boil about 1500 shrimp so on a smaller scale you want to have a quick shrimp boil for your family, you basically season your water concentrate (very strong) cause it will only be in the water for 2-3 minutes tops you want it to get as much flavor as possible so about 4 qts water then add lots of -old bay seasoning (liquid would be best) 1Cup dry, whole lemons, whole limes, or oranges 6 total (mix and match how you like or what you have on hand) just cut them in half or quarters and put them in water skin and all (seriously), cracked pepper-1/4 cup and/or cayenne for heat (amount depends on your liking of heat), garlic (I always choose real over the jar) I would cut the tops off the head and throw two whole heads in and granulated takes second (1/2 Cup), bay leaves 2, celery 5-6 stalks or celery seeds 1/4 Cup, and anything else you like on your shrimp, bring the water to a boil dissolve all your seasonings and throw in shrimp never leaving the pot cause the shrimp cooks so fast it will immediately begin to change color and as soon as it is pink pull it and put it in an ice bath to stop the cooking process.
     Little extra advice-Over cooked shrimp is the shape of an O and is tough and rubbery, perfectly cooked shrimp will still be in the shape of an C and be juicy and tender and delicious to the mouth.   What was that you said what kind of shrimp do I buy-there are so many out there?  Well if your fishing you buy big raw shrimp with shell and tail...hehehehe oh yeah were cooking- ok enough of the silly stuff.....back to what type of shrimp I am not trying to be sarcastic, but there are people who have this question. So if the shrimp is pink or a peach color it is pre-cooked, and usually has no shell but always check, it is ready to go you can open it and throw it on a salad, eat them as an appetizer or what ever you like. There are different sizes so it just depends on what you are using it for. Salad and pasta salad type dishes smaller is better, appetizer shrimp and sauce or asian, stir fry's medium is best and for main entree shrimp and sauce or just as the entree sauteed etc.. Large and Jumbo.  It is all up to the one cooking the dish.   If the shrimp is still gray looking it needs to be cooked, you can purchase it with the shell and tail on, just the tail but shelled, or no tail or shell but make sure you get it deveined you don't want to have to devein a bunch of shrimp and you don't want to leave it in I call it the poop shoot it can also be referred to as the junk in the trunk or technical term sand vein...we will just leave it at that.  I purchase the shelled and deveined with tail on for the shrimp boil and the larger the better. If you will be cooking the shrimp at all buy uncooked, for salads appetizers you will just serve cold etc.  buy pre-cooked.

     Ok onto what I do love Brines-A brine is a seasoned salty water mixture used to saturate your poultry or pork.  I cut 20/ 1" Pork chops straight from the loin, you can cut them as thick or thin as you like this way,  then made a brine. You can do so many things with a brine basically you want to dissolve salt in water-chill the liquid  and put your raw pork chops in the water for as long as you like it can be a few hours, 24, or 48 the longer the better.  You are basically seasoning water again concentrated cause when you add ice to chill, it dilutes it a bit.  I get a little more creative you can add any variety of these ingredients brown sugar, molasses, sugar, salt, garlic, pepper corns or cracked pepper what ever you like you could add hickory, terriyaki, soy sauce, sarrachi hot sauce for heat or basically anything the sky's the limit I could go on and on but i won't.
      I started with 2 qts. of water in a pan on the stove and begin adding ingredients.  I didn't have any brown sugar so I added molasses and regular sugar (same thing right) equal amts. about a cup of each, Kosher salt 1 cup, granulated garlic 1/2 C (only because i'm at work and its either that or the garlic in a jar which I personally can't use unless he makes me), and cracked pepper 1/4 cup I kept it pretty simple.  Bring it to a boil till seasonings dissolved like sugar and salt-FYI pepper and garlic won't dissolve this only takes about 3-5 minutes once it comes to a boil then I let it set while i cut the pork chops and pour it over ice.  The brine can not be warm at all when you add the raw pork it has to be completely cold or it will begin cooking and you don't want that.  Once you add the ice and stir it up real good, get it good and cold add your raw pork chops and put a lid on it, refrigerate till ready to cook, and you will have the best chops ever.
     When I am ready to cook them I tend to use a technique called flash cooking.  Get your skillet smoking hot and if you think it is hot enough wait a few minutes throw the chops in the pan and wait 2-3 minutes then turn them and cook another 2 minutes just enough to sear the meat.  There is no need for oil it will only cause the pan to smoke more.  You do need a vent cause this technique does cause quite the smoke out but it is one of the best methods I learned in Culinary school it seals in the juices and flavor.
      I then have an oven preheated to 350 and finish them off in the oven in the skillet if it is oven proofed or on a sheet pan for about 15 minutes or so you want to temp the meat (with your handy dandy thermometer) at 145 it will continue to cook for five minutes rising to a temp of about 150 once it is pulled from the oven and if your uncomfortable pulling at that temp I won't hate you just pull it at least by 155 or you will have dry chewy chops instead of juicy melt in your mouth chops.  So there you have it and please, please, please comment, give me your best techniques, ask me questions whatever I love cooking and learning and teaching so bless me today.  

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